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Current Students

Computer Science and Information Technology (M.Sc. & Ph.D.)​

Master Program

  • Students who choose Plan A1 must complete 36 credits of thesis and focus on high-level research with the goal of publishing either 1 international journal paper or 3 international conference papers.
  • Students who choose Plan A2 must complete 24 credits of coursework, 12 credits of thesis, and publish at least 1 international conference paper.
  • Students who choose Plan B must complete 30 credits of coursework, 6 credits of thesis, and publish at least 1 national conference paper.

M.Sc. Study plan

Plan A(1)36credits
At least one Scopus indexed journal paper or three international conference proceedings that are indexed by one of these (1. SCOPUS 2. IEEE 3. ACM 4. SPRINGER) to fulfill the requirements for the M.S. degree.
Plan A(2)36credits
Mandatory electives18credits
General electives6credits
At least one international conference proceeding that is indexed by one of these (1. SCOPUS 2. IEEE 3. ACM 4. SPRINGER) to fulfill the requirements for the M.S. degree.
Plan B (Not Offered)36credits
Mandatory electives18credits
General electives12credits
MS project6credits
At least, publish ONE national (English) or international conference proceeding or national journal paper and PASS comprehensive examination to fulfill the requirements for the M.S. degree.
Mandatory subject (All Plan)  
2301702        Seminarno credit 
2301553        Principles of Programming and Data Structuresno credit 
Mandatory electives (for Plan A(2) and Plan B)18credits
a)  Theoretical Computer Science module6credits
2301652 Numerical Analysis and Applications3 
2301681 Design and Analysis of Algorithms3 
2301750         Automata Theory3 
2301770 Advanced Discrete Mathematics3 
b)  Computer Systems module6credits
2301710 Database Systems3 
2301732 Computer System Organization3 
2301736 Distributed Computer Systems3 
2301762 Network Architecture Design3 

Doctoral Program

  • Students holding a Bachelor’s degree are required to take at least 24 credits  of course work and 48 credits of dissertation. The students must graduate within 8 years counting from the first year of their admission.
  • Students holding a Master’s degree are required to take 48 credits  of dissertation. The students must graduate within 6 years counting from the first year of their admission.
  • In addition, the students in both background classifications must also meet the general requirements of the graduate school. Among the important ones are the Ph.D. qualifying examination, the dissertation proposal defense, and at least two international journal papers accepted for publication.
Ph.D. Study plan  
Plan 1.1   (For graduates with a Master degree)48credits
At least one ISI indexed International Journal and one Scopus indexed International Journal to fulfill the requirements for the Ph.D. degree.
Plan 2.2   (For graduates with a Bachelor degree)72credits
Mandatory subject9credits
Mandatory electives9credits
General electives6credits
At least one ISI indexed International Journal and one Scopus indexed International Journal to fulfill the requirements for the Ph.D. degree.
List of Subjects for Plan 2.2 (For graduates with a Bachelor degree)  
Mandatory subject9credits
2301651 Information Technology Management3 
2301681 Design and Analysis of Algorithms3 
2301732    Computer System Organization3 
Mandatory electives9credits
2301652    Numerical Analysis and Applications3 
2301657    Enterprise Resource Planning3 
2301659    E-Business Modeling and Applications3 
2301663    Object-Oriented Design3 
2301710    Database System3 
2301712    Software Methodology3 
2301736    Distributed Computer Systems3 
2301750   Automata Theory3 
2301762   Network Architecture Design  3 
2301770    Advanced Discrete Mathematics3 
General electives6credits
2301656    Data Mining and Applications    3 
2301658    Business Process Management3 
2301667    Usability and Web Design 3 
2301686 Fuzzy Logic3 
2301689    Artificial Neural Networks3 
2301752     Advanced topics in computing 3 
2301753 Adv Top in Bioinformatics & Computational Biology3 
2301754    Advanced Topics in Software Development3 
2301755    Advanced Topics in Information Technology3 
2301756    Advanced Topics in Computational Intelligence3 
2301793    Special Topics in Computer Science I3 
2301794    Special Topics in Computer Science II3 
2301795    Independent Study in Computer Science3 
Thesis    (Plan 1.1 and Plan 2.2)48credits
2301828    Dissertation48 
Seminar    (Plan 1.1 and Plan 2.2)  
2301894    Doctoral Sissertation Seminar

Qualifying Exam​

Students may take the QE under the following conditions:

  1. Approval has been granted by the Program Executive Committee.
  2. They have registered for the QE course (2301897) in the semester they plan to take the exam. However, students who enter the program with a Master’s degree or a Bachelor’s degree with honors may register for the QE as early as their first semester.

Doctoral students must take the QE and receive a grade of “S” within the following time frames, starting from their first semester of enrollment:

  1. Students with a Master’s degree must pass the QE within 4 semesters.
  2. Students with a Bachelor’s degree must pass the QE within 5 semesters.

If a student receives a grade of “U” after taking the QE, they may register to retake the exam once. A second “U” will result in dismissal from the program unless the student is granted approval by the program to transfer to a Master’s degree program.

Qualifying Examination is required only for the Ph.D. and must cover four subjects as follows:

  1. Design and analysis of algorithms
  2. One subject from either Computer System Organization or Information Technology Management
  3. One subject from Automata Theory, Discrete Mathematics, and Numerical Analysis
  4. A specialized subject related to the dissertation 

Proposal Examination​

Required paper work

  • thesis/dissertation proposal form which can be downloaded from
  • examination committee schedule form
  • proposal addendum (for additional research elaboration) not to exceed 6 or 10 pages for M.Sc. and PhD, respectively

Time table

The maximum time limit to take the proposal examination is 4 or 6 semesters for all M.Sc. and PhD students, respectively, starting from the first day of admission.  This does not include any approved study leaves.

Last day to submit the thesis/dissertation prospectus to take effect immediately upon approval

fall semester       before August 15
spring semester  before January 31 for non-scholastic students, or before December 30 for scholastic students

Steps in thesis/dissertation prospectus examination

  1. Consult the academic advisor for the research content.
  2. Set up an examination committee.  The committee must consist of
    • 3-5 members for M.Sc. student, and 5-7 members for PhD student;
    • each committee member must meet the Graduate School academic qualifications guideline and be appointed accordingly, i.e., either holding a PhD degree or at least an associate professorship;
    • there must be at least 1 exterior examiner, other than Chulalongkorn University faculty members (or interior examiners); and
    • the principal advisor and other co-advisors are considered as one member.

    The student must ensure a definite examination time and date; complete the proposal examination request and schedule forms and signed by the academic principal advisor, program chair prior to submitting them to the administrative secretary.

  3. The administrative secretary will send an informatory examination letter to each committee member within 3-5 days after all relevant documents are submitted.  The student must deliver the proposal and informatory examination letter to all interior examiners in person within 2 weeks prior to the scheduled examination.  On the other hand, the student only delivers the proposal to the exterior examiner.  The informatory examination letter will be issued and signed by the head of the department and sent via postal mail, one copy to the exterior examiner and the other to his/her affiliation.

  4. The administrative secretary will reserve a room for the proposal examination.
  5. Carry out the actual examination.
  6. The student must correct the proposal according to what is recommended by the examination committee.
  7. Submit the corrected proposal to the administrative secretary for general format check via email.
  8. Submit the corrected proposal to the advisor(s) for research content check in strict compliance to the recommendations of the examination committee.  The final version of the prospectus must be signed by the academic program secretary and the program chair.  Gather all signed documents and submit to the administrative secretary for approval by the Program Committee and the Faculty Academic Affair.

Thesis and Dissertation Defense​

Required documents for thesis/dissertation defense

  • informatory defense letter form
  • thesis/dissertation format check form
  • defense request form
  • instructions for on-line submission, which can be downloaded from

Scheduling of defense

The maximum time limit to take the thesis and dissertation defense is 8 and 12 semesters for all MS and PhD students, respectively, starting from the first day of admission.  This does not include any approved study leaves.

Last day for thesis/dissertation defense to graduate in the same semester

fall semester       before September 20 or by the academic announcement
spring semester  before April 20 or by the academic announcement

Last day to submit the complete thesis/dissertation write-up to graduate in the same semester

fall semester       before October 15
spring semester  before May 15

Steps in thesis/dissertation defense

  1. Consult the academic advisor for the completeness of research work.
  2. Invite the same examination committee as the prospectus one.  The committee must consist of
    • 3-5 members for MS candidate, and 5-7 members for PhD candidate; and
    • should there be any replacement on individual committee members, the student must file a request for replacement to the administrative secretary at least one month prior to the actual defense.

    The student must ensure a definite examination time and date; complete the defense examination request and schedule forms and signed by the academic principal advisor, program chair prior to submitting them to the administrative secretary.

  3. The administrative secretary will send an informatory examination letter to each committee member within 3-5 days after all relevant documents are submitted.  The student must deliver the final thesis/dissertation draft and informatory examination letter to all interior examiners in person within one month prior to the scheduled defense.  On the other hand, the student only delivers the final thesis/dissertation draft to the exterior examiner.  The informatory examination letter will be issued and signed by the head of the department and sent via postal mail, one copy to the exterior examiner and the other to his/her affiliation.
  4. The administrative secretary will reserve a room for the defense examination.
  5. Access to fill out the cover page of thesis/dissertation documentation packet.
  6. Submit the thesis/dissertation write-up for format check to Graduate School.
  7. Carry out the actual examination.
  8. The student must correct the thesis/dissertation write-up according to what is recommended by the examination committee.
  9. Get all the relevant signatures on the final thesis/dissertation write-up and submit it according to the announced procedures by Graduate School.

Procedure for submitting a complete thesis

  • Procedure for submitting a complete thesis>>>Click

Thesis proposal/Thesis examination / Others Form

Deadlines for approval of thesis proposal, thesis examination, submission of completed thesis, dissemination of thesis and independent-study work, and submission of various examination results for students who plan to graduate

Download >>> Deadlines-for-approval-of-thesis-proposal-thesis-examination2024-academic-year

Thesis proposal Form

1. Forom-Thesis proposal Examination Committee Appointment Form(ไฟล์ .docx)

2. Form-For External Academic Staff of Chulalongkron University(ไฟล์ .docx)

3. Form-Master Thesis Proposal Form(English) (ไฟล์ .docx)

4.Form-Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Form(English)(ไฟล์ .docx)

5.Form-Request Form for Examination Online(ไฟล์ .docx)

Thesis Form

1. Form-Thesis Examination Committee Appointment Form(ไฟล์ .docx)

2. Form- Request Form for Examination (Online Only)(ไฟล์ .docx)