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Current Students

Mathematics​ (B.Sc.)


PLAN (4 Years)TOTAL Credits
PLAN A-1: Regular132
PLAN A-2: Regular and Cooperative Education137
PLAN B-1: Major in Mathematics with minor in another program132
PLAN B-2: Major in Mathematics with minor in another program and Cooperative Education137
PLAN C:   Honor Program132

Each plan:


Plan A-1

(132 Credits)

Plan A-2

(137 Credits)

Plan B-1

(132 Credits)

Plan B-2

(137 Credits)

Plan C

(132 Credits)

1. General Education3030303030
2. Specialization961019610196

    2.1 Basic Sciences

and Mathematics

   2.2 Required Courses393939 in Math Major39 in Math Major45
   2.3 Elective Courses303015 in Math Major15 in Math Major24

  2.4 For minor program


3. Free Electives66666
  1. General Education (30 Credits)
5500111Experiential English I3
5500112Experiential English II3
5500204English for Academic Purpose I3
5500496Communication in Science and Technology3
2301170Computer and Programming3


  1. Specialization (96 Credits / 101 Credits)

2.1 Basic Sciences and Mathematics (27 Credits / 32 Credits)

2301117Calculus I4
2301118Calculus II4
2301286Probability and Statistics3
2301399Project Proposal1
2302113General Chemistry Laboratory1
2302161General Chemistry3
2303107General Biology3
2303108General Biology Laboratory1
2304121Physics for Physical Scientists3
2304181Fundamental Physics Laboratory1
2301499Senior Project  (only for plan without cooperative education)2

Preparation for Co-Operative Education

(only for plan with cooperative education)


Co-Operative Education

(only for plan with cooperative education)



2.2 Required Courses (39 Credits / 45 Credits)

 Core Courses (33 Credits / only for honor program 39 Credits)Credits
2301172Computer and Programming Laboratory1
2301217Calculus III3
2301220Mathematical Models and Reasoning3
2301227Principles of Mathematics I3
2301228Principles of Mathematics II3
2301234Linear Algebra I3
2301307Introduction to Real Analysis I3
2301308Functions of a Complex Variable3
2301312Differential Equations3
2301337Abstract Algebra I3
2301366Numerical Analysis3
2301489Workshop in Mathematical Concepts2
2301591Individual study I  (only for honor program)3
2301598Undergraduate research project I  (only for honor program)3
 Required Elective Courses (6 Credits) Choose fromCredits
2301218Calculus IV3
2301268Computational Mathematics3
2301309Introduction to Real Analysis II3
2301314Introduction to Partial Differential Equations3
2301336Linear Algebra II3
2301338Abstract Algebra II3

2.3 Elective Courses (30 Credits / 15 Credits / 24 Credits)

Plans A-1 & A-2 (30 credits): Choose any courses from MA I or MA II with at least 15 credits from MA I

Plans B-1 & B-2 (15 credits): Choose any courses from MA I or MA II with at least 9 credits from MA I

Plans C (24 credits): Choose at least 3 credits from 2301592, 2301599 and

Choose any courses from MA I or any 23015xx, 23016xx


2301592Individual study II  (only for honor program)3
2301599Undergraduate research project II  (only for honor program)3


2.4 For minor program only (15 Credits)

Follow the criteria of the chosen minor program



2301181Financial Mathematical Models3
2301218Calculus IV3

Discrete Mathematics and its Applications

(choose either 2301232 or 2301233)

2301233Discrete Mathematics (choose either 2301232 or 2301233)3
2301268Computational Mathematics3
2301269Computational Mathematics II3
2301288Mathematical Foundations for Actuarial Science3
2301309Introduction to Real Analysis II3
2301314Introduction to Partial Differential Equations3
2301315Introduction to Mathematical Modeling3
2301321Combinatorics and Graph Theory3
2301323Number Systems3
2301331Theory of Numbers3
2301336Linear Algebra II3
2301338Abstract Algebra II3
2301340Modern Geometry3
2301363Operations research I3
2301364Operations research II3
2301381Probability Theory3
2301382Statistical Methods3
2301383Introduction to Stochastic Processes3
2301384Mathematical Statistics3
2301386Mathematical Foundation for Investment3
2301387Mathematical Foundation for Derivative Securities3
2301404Introduction to Lebesgue Integration3
2301405Introduction to Functional Analysis3
2301442Differential Geometry3
2301444Elementary Topology3
2301481Theory of Games3
2301482Queueing Theory3
2301483Mathematical Methods in Risk Theory3
2301492Special Topics in Mathematics I3
2301493Special Topics in Mathematics II3
2301501Mathematical Logic3
2301502Axiomatic Set Theory3


Courses in Faculty of Science and any other courses which are related to mathematics.