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รศ.ดร. รัชลิดา ลิปิกรณ์

Rajalida Lipikorn
Faculty (อาจารย์)
Office: MATH 1408/6
Phone: 02-218-5224
Fax: 02-255-2287
2002 Ph.D. (Engineering), Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology, Japan
1992 M.S. (Computer Science), California State University, Northridge, USA
1987 M.S. (Mathematics), California State University, Northridge, USA

Computer graphics, medical image processing, 2D and 3D object recognition

  1. J. Jariyawatthananon, N. Cooharojananone, and R. Lipikorn, Lactiferous Vessel Detection from Microscopic Cross-sectional Images,Proc. of the 6th International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP 2014),(2014).
  2. R. Lipikorn, N. Cooharojananone, S. Kijsupapaisan, and T. Inchayanunth, Vehicle Logo Recognition Based on Interior Structure Using SIFT Descriptor and Neural Network, Proc. of International Conference on Information Science, Electronics and Electrical Engineering (ISEEE2014), (2014).
  3. J. Jariyawatthananon, N. Cooharojananone, and R. Lipikorn, Lactiferous Vessel Detection from Microscopic Cross-sectional Images,Proc. of the 6th International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP 2014), (2014).
  4. S. Choden, N. Cooharojananone, and R. Lipikorn, Study of Factors Influencing the Intention to use Facebook: Case of University Students in Bhutan, Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Software, Knowledge, Information Management and Applications(SKIMA 2013), (2013).
  5. U. Dendup, N. Cooharojananone, and R. Lipikorn, The Effects of Factors on Customers’ Attitude towards the Acceptance of Internet Banking in Bhutan, Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Software, Knowledge, Information Management and Applications(SKIMA 2013), (2013).
  6. K. Dorji, N. Cooharojananone, and R. Lipikorn, Factors Affecting Users’ Attitude towards Facebook Application in Bhutan, Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Software, Knowledge, Information Management and Applications (SKIMA 2013), (2013).
  7. T. Hoan Nguyen, N. Cooharojananone, and R. Lipikorn, Study of Factors Affecting the Intention to Use Internet Banking Among Young Adult in Vietnam, Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Software, Knowledge, Information Management and Applications(SKIMA 2013),  (2013).
  8. R. Nararatwong, N. Cooharojananone, N. Pongsupankij, R. Lipikorn, and K. Atchariyachanvanich, The Study of Brand Perception through Social Network Site and Corporate Responsibility Programs, Proc. of  the 37th Annual International Computer Software & Applications Conference,  (2013).
  9. K. Pahnchawat, S. Keeratipibul, and R. Lipikorn,  Listeria Monocytogenes Colony Counting from Microscopic Images Using Nonlinear Piecewise Least-Square Curve-Fitting Filter, Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Information Science and Applications 2013.
  10. N. Thongthungwong and R. Lipikorn, Data Reduction for Finding Silhouette Edges on 3D-Animated Model, International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering Vol. 2, No. 5, (2013), 560-562.
  11. K. Chunhapongpipat, R. Boonklurb, S. Sirisup , and R. Lipikorn, Initial contour independent level set image segmentation method using synergetic vector flow fieldsProc. of IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems(ICSPSC2012), (2012).
  12. N. Cooharojananone, S. Kasamwattanarote, R. Lipikorn and S. Satoh, Automated Real-Time Video Surveillance Summarization Framework, Journal of Real-Time Image Processing (Impact Factor 1.020), Springer ISSN: 1861-8200 (Accepted).
  13. P. Suwanpradit, A. Krisanachinda, and R. Lipikorn, Development of Computer-Aided System to Determine Patient Dose from Digital Radiographic Images by DICOM Header Extraction, Proc. of South-East Asian Congress of Medical Physics(SEACOMP2012), (2012), 313-316.
  14. K. Chunhapongpipat, R. Boonklurb, S. Sirisup, and R. Lipikorn, Edge and Contrast Enhancement Using Directional Anisotropic Diffusion and Multi-Scale Vector Flows,  Proc. of International Conference on Signal and Image Processing(SIP2012), (2012).
  15. A. Janetheerapong, N. Cooharojananone, A. Wattanathum, and R. Lipikorn, Three Dimensional Lung Nodule Segmentation and Estimation Using Thresholding on Local Thickness, Proc. of  IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing (ICSPCC2012), (2012).
  16. W. Treeratanajaru, S. Watcharamul, and R. Lipikorn, Degenerate Primer Design System for Gene Biodiversity Study Using Dynamic Pattern Matching, Proc. of International Symposium on Health Informatics and Bioinformatics(HIBIT 2012), (2012), 102-106.
  17. P. Tanapichet, N. Cooharojananone, and R. Lipikorn, Automatic Keyframe Generation from Cartoon Animation Using Rule-based Optical FlowProc. of Electronic Imaging, (2012).
  18. P. Tanapichet, N. Cooharojananone, and R. Lipikorn, Automatic Comic Strip Generation Using Extracted Keyframes from Cartoon Animation, Proc. of International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communation Systems (ISPACS 2011), (2011).
  19. R. Lipikorn, K. Chunhapongpipat, S. Sirisup, R. Boonklurb, and N. CooharojananoneMedical Image Segmentation Using Modified Level-Set Model with Multi-Scale Gradients* Vector Flow, Proc. of the  International Symposium on Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, (2010) , 49-57.
  20. N. Srichumroenrattana, C. Lursinsap, and R. Lipikorn, 2D Face Image Depth Ordering Using Adaptive Hillcrest-Valley Classification and Otsu, Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Signal Processing(ICSP), (2010),  645-648.
  21. R. Chayanurak, N. Cooharojananone, S. Satoh, and R. Lipikorn, Carried Object Detection using Star Skeleton with Adaptive Centroid and Time Series Graph, Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Signal Processing, (2010), pp. 736-739.
  22. N. Cooharojananone, S. Kasamwattanarote,, S. Satoh, and R. Lipikorn, Real Time Trajectory Search in Video Summarization using Direct Distance Transform, Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Signal Processing, (2010), 932- 935.
  23. S. Kasamwattanarote, N. Cooharojananone, S. Satoh, and R. Lipikorn, Real Time Tunnel Based Video Summarization using Direct Shift Collision Detection, Proc. of the 11th Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia, (2010), 136-147.
  24. S. Pornsuksiri and R. Lipikorn, Chromosome Segmentation using Skeleton Generated from Rule-based Contour Vector Matching,Proc. of the Seventh IASTED International Conference on  Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 1, (2010).
  25. K. Chunhapongpipat, L. Vajragupta, B. Chaopathomkul, N. Cooharojananone, and R. Lipikorn, Automatic Colon Cleansing in CTC Image Using Gradient Magnitude and Similarity Measure, Proc. of International Symposium on Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, (2009).
  26. P. Promkumtan, L. Vajragupta, B. Chaopathomkul, N. Cooharojananone and R. Lipikorn, Colon Cleansing Method for Oral Contrast-Enhanced CT Colonography using K-means Clustering and Morphological Operation, Proc. of  IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, (2009).
  27. N. Srichumroenrattana,  C. Lursinsap, and R. Lipikorn, Facial Feature Detection Using Multiresolution Decomposition and Hillcrest-Valley Classification with Adaptive Mean Filter, Proc. of the Fourth International Conference on Computer Sciences and Convergence Information Technology, (2009).
  28. Y. Lila, C. Lursinsap, R. Lipikorn and S. Satoh, 3D Shape Recovery from Single Image by Using Texture Information, Proc. of the ICCAS International Conference on Control, Automation, and Systems, (2008), 2801-2806.
  29. R. LipikornR. Jaratanawat, J. Asavanant, and M. Ioualalen, Three-Dimension Tsunami Simulation Using Binary Representation and Operations, Proc. Of the 8th IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing, (2008), 102-105.
  30. R. Lipikorn and S. Pitukcholasup, Three-Dimensional gray-scale barcode symbologies, Proceedings of The 2007 International Conference on image processing computer vision & pattern recognition (IPCV’07), (2007), 198-203.
  31. M. Ioualalen, E. Pelinovsky, J. Asavanant, R. Lipikorn and A. Deschamps, On the weak inpact of the 26 December Indian Ocean Tsunami on the Bangladesh coast, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Spec. 7(1)(2007), 141-147.
  32. M. loualalen, E. Pelinovsky, J. Asavanant, R. Lipikorn, and A. Deschamps, On the Week Impact of the 26 December Indian Ocean Tsunami on the Bangladesh Coast, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences7(2007), 141-147.
  33. R. Lipikorn and S. Pitukcholasup, Three-Dimensional Gray-Scale Barcode Symbologies, Proc. Of the 2007 International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition, (2007), 198-204.
  34. R. Lipikorn, K. Vantasin and W. Chulalaksananukul, Automatic karyotype using linear regression and skeleton-based measurement algorithm, Proceeding of 10th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybermetics and Informations5(2006), 202-205.
  35. W. Limkamontip, N. Anunthanukul and R. Lipikorn, Genetic Algorithms and its Applications in Designing and Optimizing Prestressed Concrete Beam Bridges, Proc. Of the 11th National Convention on Civil Engineering, (2006), 229.
  36. R. Lipikorn, K. Wantasin and W. Chulaluksananukul, Automatic Karyotype Using Linear Regression and Skeleton-based Measurement Algorithm, Proc. Of the 10th World Multi-Conference on systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, (2006), 202-205.
  37. M. loualalen, E. Pelinovsky, J. Asavanant, R. Lipikorn, and A. Deschamps, On the Week Impact of the 26 December Indian Ocean Tsunami on the Bangladesh Coast, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences7(2007), 141-147.
  38. R. Lipikorn and S. Pitukcholasup, Three-Dimensional Gray-Scale Barcode Symbologies, Proc. Of the 2007 International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition, (2007), 198-204.
  39. R. Lipikorn, A. Shimizu and H. Kobatake, Three-Dimensional Object Recognition Using a Modified Exoskeleton and Extended Hausdorff Distance Matching Algorithm, LNCS: Image Analysis and Recognition, (2004), 697-704.
  40. R. Lipikorn, A. Shimizu and H. Kobatake, A Modified Exoskeleton and a Hausdorff Distance Matching Algorithm for Shape-Based Object Recognition, Proc. Of CISST, (2003), 5-7-511.
  41. R. Lipikorn, A. Shimizu, Y. Hagihara and H. Kobatake, A Modified Exoskeleton for 3D Shape Description and Recognition, IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems123-C (2)(2003), 292-300.
  42. R. Lipikorn, A. Shimizu, Y. Hagihara and H. Kobatake, A Modified Exoskeleton and its Applications to Object Representation and Recognition, IEICE Trans. on INF. & SYST, E85-D(5)(2002), 884-896.
  43. R. Lipikorn, A. Shimizu, Y. Hagihara and H. Kobatake, Exoskeleton for 2D Shape Recognition and Classification, Proc. Of DIG’2002, (2002), 19-21.
  44. R. Lipikorn, A. Shimizu, Y. Hagihara and H. Kobatake, 3D Modified Exoskeleton and Its Applications for Shape Recognition, Proc. Of IEEE Conference on Acoustics Speech and signal Processing, (2002), IV-3568-IV-3571.
  45. R. Lipikorn, A. Shimizu, Y. Hagihara and H. Kobatake, 3D Modified Exoskeleton and Its Application to Discrimination of Malignant from Benign Tumors in Chest CT Images, IEICE Technical Report, (2002), 41-46.
  46. R. Lipikorn, A. Shimizu, Y. Hagihara and H. Kobatake, Volumetric Object Recognition Using a Modified Exoskeleton, Proc. Of 3D Image Conference 2002, (2002), 53-56.
  47. R. Lipikorn, A. Shimizu, Y. Hagihara and H. Kobatake, 3D Shape Recognition based on a Skeleton and an Exoskeleton, Proc. of 3D Image Conference, (2001), 97-100.
  48. R. Lipikorn, A. Shimizu, Y. Hagihara and H. Kobatake, Exoskeleton for 2D Shape Recognition and Classification, Proc. of DIG’2000, (2000), 19-21.

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คณะวิทยาศาสตร์ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย ถ.พญาไท แขวงวังใหม่ เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพ 10330
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