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รศ.ดร. พีระพนธ์ โสพัศสถิตย์

Peraphon Sophatsathit
Faculty (อาจารย์)
Office: MATH 1108/14
Phone: 02-218-5469
Fax: 02-255-2287
1993 Ph.D. (Computer Science), Arizona State University, USA
1980 M.S. (Industrial Engineering), University of Texas at Arlington, USA
1987 M.S. (Industrial Engineering), Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

Software Engineering

  1. E.Jinhirunkul and P. Sophatsathit, Simulation of Web Navigation Analysis with Ant Colony Optimization, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Autonomous Robots and Agents (ICARA 2009), (2009), 595 – 600.
  2. P. Supala, U. Lelanantakul, N Ngamsaowaroj and P. Sophatsathit, Test Case Classification using Category-Partition Finite State Machine, ECTI Transactions on Computer and Information Technology3(1)(2007), 16 – 21.
  3. N. Ngamsaowaroj and P. Sophatsathit, A novel Framework for Test Domain Reduction using Extened Finite State Machine,Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA2007), Cap Esterel, French Riviera, August 20-31, 2007 (electronic copy).
  4. D. Praserttitipong and P. Sophatsathit, A Synopsis Model for Deterministic Behavioral Specifications of an Adaptable Agent,Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications (SERA2007),(2007),655-661.
  5. D. Praserttitipong and P. Sophatsathit, A Framework for Deterministic Intention Specifications of an Agent toward an Incomplete Declared Intention, Proceedings of the 6th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Infomation Science (ICIS 2007),(2007),170-175.
  6. Dussadee Praserttitipong and Peraphon Sophatsathit, A Loosely Collaborative Dependency Framework for a Fast Adaptive Agent Model using Extended RSVD, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence, ISSN 0974-0635, Volume 11, No. A13, 2013, Autumn (October), pp. 1-19.
  7. A. Mahaweerawat, P. Sophatsathit and C. Lursinsap, Adaptive Self-Organizing Map Clustering for Software Fault Prediction,Proceedings of the 4th International Joint Conference on Computer Science and SoftwareEngineering (JCSSE2007),(2007),35-41
  8. S. Sai-ngern, C. Lursinsap and P. Sophatsathit, An address mapping approach for test data generation of dynamic linked structures,Information and software Technology Journal47(3)(2007),199-214.
  9. P. Supala, U. Lelanantakul, N. Ngamsaowaroj and P. Sophatsathit, Test Case Classification using Category-Partition Finite State Machine, NECTEC Technical Journal7(18), 61-68.
  10. S. Sethasopon, C. Lursinsap and P. Sophatsathit, An Algorithm for Identifying, Extracting and Converting Document Image Table Structures into LaTeX Format, ECTI Transactions on Computer and Information Technology, 2(2)(2006), 142 – 156.
  11.  A. Mahaweerawat, P. Sophatsathit, C. Lursinsap and P. Musilek, MASP – An Enhanced Model of Fault Type Indentification in Object-Oriented Software Engineering, Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics10(3)(2006), 312-322.
  12.  P. Supala, U. Lelanantakul, N. Ngamsaowaroj and P. Sophatsathit , Test Case Classification using Category-Partition Finite State Machine, Proceedings of the 10th National Computer Science and Engineering Conference (NCSEC 2006), (2006), 365-372
  13.  N. Arch-int, C. Lursinsup, S. Sophatsathit and T. Amornpongkul, E-Learning Systems Integration using Metadata and Web Services Model, Proceedings of the 2th National Conference on Ciomputing and Information Technology (NCCIT 2006), (2006), 891-896.
  14.  N. Arch-int, C. Lursinsap and P. Sophatsathit, A Reference Architecture for Interoperating for Interoperating Exiting e-Learning Systems using Metadata and Web Services Model, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technology and Internet Commerce-IAWTIC 2005, (2005),891-896.
  15.  P. Sophatsathit, A Purview of Systematic Software Development, Proceedings of the First Workshop on Technology Transfer in Advanced Virtual and Intelligent Computing (AVIC2005), (2005), 35-37.
  16.  A. Mahaweerawat, P. Sophatsathit, C. Lursinsap and P. Musilek, Fault Prediction in Object-Oriented Software Using Network Techniques, Proceeding of the International Comference on Intelligent Technology, InTech/VJFuzzy’ 2004, (2004),27-34.
  17.  S. Nakkrasae and P. Sophatsathit, An RPCL-Based Indexing Approach for software Components Classification, International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering14(5)(2004),497-518.
  18.  S. Sai-ngern, C. Lursinsap and P. Sophatsathit, Test Shape Generation of Dynamically Liked Structures, Proceedings of ECTI Annual Conference (ECTI-CON2004), (2004),330-333.
  19.  S. Nakkrasae, P. Sophatsathit and W. R. Edwards, Fuzzy Substractive Clustering Based Indexing Approach For Software Components Classification, International Journal of Computer & Information Science5(4)(2004),63-72.
  20.  N. Arch-int, P. Sophatsathit and Y. Li, Ontology-Based Metadata Dictionary for Integrating Heterogeneous Information Sources on WWW, Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology35(4)(2003),285-302.
  21.  S. Nakkrasae, P. Sophatsathit and W. R. Edwards, Fuzzy Substractive Clustering Based Indexing Approach For Software Components Classification, Proceeding of the 1st ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering Research & Applications (SERA’ 03), (2003),100-105.
  22.  N. Arch-int and P. Sophatsathit, A Semantic Information Gathering Approach for Heterogeneous Information Sources on WWW,Journal of International Science29(5)(2003),357-374.
  23.  N. Arch-int, Y. Li, P. Roe and P. Sophatsathit, Query Proceeding in Heterogeneous Information Sources using Ontology-based Approach, Proceedings of the ISCA 18th International Conference on Computers and Their applicaions, (2003), 438-441.
  24.  A. Mahaweerawat, P. Sophatsathit, and C. Lursinsap, Software Fault Prediction Using Fuzzy Clustering and Radial-Basis Function Network, Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Technologies, (2002), 304-313.
  25.  S. Nakkrasae and P. Sophatsathit, A Formal Approach for Specification and Classification of Software Components, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, in cooperation with ACM-SIGSOFT, (2002), 773-780.
  26.  N. Arch-int and P. Sophatsathit, A Reference Architecture for Integrating Heterogeneous Information Sources using XML and Agent Model, Proceedings of the 6th Joint Conference on Information Sciences, (2002),235-239.
  27.  S. Chuai-aree, C. Lursinsap, P. Sophatsathit and S. Siripant, Fuzzy C-Mean: A Statistical Feature Classification of Text and Image Segmentation Method, The International of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems9(6)(2001), 661-671.
  28.  P. Sophatsathit, and T. Chuenchom, An Architectural Model of Integrated Information Technology and Product Data Management,International Journal of the Computer, the Internet and Management (IJCIM)1(3)(1999), 132-135.
  29.  P. Sophatsathit, A Study of Programming Skill Development in Education, Proceedings of the 1999 National Computer Science ang Engineering Comference, (1999),i-6 – i-10.
  30.  P. Sophatsathit, Three-Tier Database Framework, Proceedings of the 80th Chulalongkorn University Anniversary Academic Conference2(1997), 1085-1089.
  31.  P. Sophatsathit, Globalized Virtual Manufacturing, Proceedings of the International CALS: A Global Strategy Towards Economic Growth Through World-Wide Enterprise Integration, (1996), 128-136.
  32.  P. Sophatsathit, T. Chuenchom and N. Nisapakultorn, Quality Function and Cost Development in Ceramic Industry: A Case Study,The Seventh Symposium on Quality Function Deployment, (1995),15-25.
  33. Anan Niyom, Peraphon Sophatsathit, and Chidchanok Lursinsap, An energy-efficient process clustering assignment algorithm for distributed system, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Volume 40, 2014, pp. 95-111.
  1. Operating Systems
    P. Sophatsathit, Published by Chulalongkorn University Press, 2009, 296 pages.
  2. Recommended C Style and Coding Standards, with permission to translate and edit into Thai from “Recommended C Style and Coding Standards” by Bell Laboratories, published by The National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, 1997, 50 pages.

ที่อยู่ : 
คณะวิทยาศาสตร์ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย ถ.พญาไท แขวงวังใหม่ เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพ 10330
โทรศัพท์ : 02-218-5141-2
โทรสาร : 02-255-2287


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