Office: MATH 1208/15 Phone: 02-218-5150 Fax: 02-255-2287 Email:
2007 Ph.D. (Industrial and Systems Engineering), Virginia Tech, USA 2001 M.S. (Mathematics), University of Arizona, USA 1998 M.S. (Mathematics), University of Delaware, USA
T. Laisupannawong, B. Intiyot and P. Thipwiwatpotjana, “Mixed integer linear programming model for reducing types of packing boxes”, Proceedings of Operations Research Network Conference 2018, Pattaya, Thailand, 23-24 April 2018, pp. 96–100.
K. Chankong, B. Intiyot, and K. Sinapiromsaran, “Absolute Change Pivot Rule for the Simplex Algorithm”, Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science: Proceedings of The International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2014, IMECS 2014, 12-14 March, 2014, Hong Kong, pp. 1209-1213. [SCOPUS]
B. Kaveelerdpotjana, K. Sinapiromsaran and B. Intiyot, “Farthest Boundary Cluster Algorithm:Half–orbital extreme pole”, Proceedings of the 17th International Computer Sciecne and Engineering Conference (ICSEC 2013), Bangkok, Thailand, 4-6 September 2013, pp. 173-178. [SCOPUS]
S. Kirisri, B. Intiyot, C. Jeenanunta, “Column Generation Technique for Crew Pairing Problem”, Proceedings of the IE Network Conference 2012, Petchaburi, Thailand, 17-19 October 2012, pp.23-29.
C. Jeenanunta, B. Intiyot, W. Puttapatimok, “A Multi–commodity Flow Approach to the Crew Rostering Problem”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Logistics and Transport (ICLT 2010) & the 1st International Conference on Business and Economics (ICBE 2010), Rydges Lakeland Resort Hotel Queenstown, Queenstown, New Zealand, 16–18 December 2010, pp. 735-742.
A. Boonlied and B. Intiyot, “Availability Analysis for a Virtual Age Model,” Proceedings of OR–NET 2010 conference, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, 2-3 September 2010, pp. 261-264.
W. Laesanklang, K. Sinapiromsaran, and B. Intiyot, “Entropy multi–hyperplane credit scoring model,” 2010 International Conference on Financial Theory and Engineering (ICFTE) , Dubai, UAE, 28-30 December 2009, pp. 91-94. [SCOPUS]
W. Laesanklang, K. Sinapiromsaran and B. Intiyot, “Multi–hyperplane credit scoring model,” Proceedings of OR–NET 2009 conference, The Emerald hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, 3-4 September 2009, pp.56-64.