Termination and Restoration of Status as a Graduate Student

ภาควิิชาคณิตศาสตร์และวิทยาการคอมพิวเตอร์ คณะวิทยาศาสตร์

  1. death
  2. resignation
  3. failing to register after the first two weeks of the semester or failing to pay the fee (university and program fees) to maintain their status as a graduate student.
  4. at the end of the first semester of their registration, conditional students have obtained a GPA of less than 3.00 or a U in a non-credit course.
  5. at the end of the first semester of their registration, regular students have obtained less than 2.50 GPA or less than a 2.50 GPAX.
  6. at the end of any semester, regular students, who have obtained a minimum of 2.5 GPA but less than a 3.00, a state termed “on probation”, for two successive semester.
  7. obtaining U in two comprehensive examinations
  8. obtaining U in two qualifying examinations, except for students in Doctoral – Master Continuing Programs who have gained approval by the Program Committee to change to the MS program/scheme.
  9. failing to pass the thesis/dissertation proposal examination within the period of time stipulated.
  10. the thesis/dissertation proposal has not been approved by the Board of the Faculty within the period of time stipulated.
  11. obtaining U in two successive assessments of the student’s progress in his/her thesis/dissertation. In cases where a leave of absence takes place between the two semesters in which the U is assigned, the students shall be taken as obtaining U in two consecutive semesters.
  12. obtaining an F in thesis/dissertation examinations.
  13. after having registered for the duration as stipulated, i.e., six academic years for MS degree and 8 academic years for PhD in fulfilling the degree requirements.
  14. their status as graduate students is terminated by order of the University due to their being disqualified as applicants to or as students of the Graduate School or due to an offense or taking part in an offense against the rules concerning examinations or other rules of the University.


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