Anti-codes on solid burst of length $b$ of anti-weight $t$

CJM Vol. 7 (December 2015), pp. 1 – 15.



This paper considers a new kind of error which will be termed as `solid burst of length $b$ of anti-weight $t$'. Lower and upper bounds on the number of parity checks required for the existence of anti-codes that detect solid burst of length $b$ or less of anti-weight $t$ or more are obtained. This is followed by an example of such anti-codes. The paper also deals with anti-codes capable of detecting and simultaneously correcting such errors. Then the maximum anti-weight of such errors in the space of $n$-tuples is discussed. Further, the paper obtains an upper bound on the number of parity checks required for the existence of anti-codes that detect solid burst of length $b$ or less of anti-weight $t$ or more, together with $e$ or less random errors of anti-weight $t$ or more ($e < b$).

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 

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