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2002 Ph.D. (Mathematics) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA 1997 M.S. (Mathematics) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA 1994 B.Sc. (Mathematics) Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Field: Geometry & Topology
Classical Geometry, Soap bubble geometry, Covering problems, Worm problem
S. Chaidee and W. Wichiramala, Optimal partitioning of a square: a numerical approach, to appear in ScienceAsia.
W. Wichiramala, Weak approach to the soap bubble problem, Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences 24:2 (2012), 167–181.
J. E. Wetzel and W. Wichiramala, A covering theorem for families of sets in Rd, Journal of Combinatorics 17:1 (2010), 69–75.
W. Wichiramala, Small covers for convex unit arcs, Chiangmai Journal of Science 37:2 (2010), 185–194.
Chaiwat Maneesawarng, Banyat Sroysang, Sukrawan Talwong and W. Wichiramala, Planar soap bubbles on a half plane for three and four areas with equal pressure regions, East-West Journal of Mathematics, special volume (2010), 109–127.
B. Sroysang and W. Wichiramala, Planar m-bubbles with m-1 equal highest pressures, Thai Journal of Mathematics 8: special issue (2010), 51–59.
B. Sroysang and W. Wichiramala, Double bubbles outside a disk, ScienceAsia 36:3 (2010), 244–248. (cover)
B. Sroysang and W. Wichiramala, The planar soap bubble problem with six equal pressure regions, Chamchuri Journal of Mathematics 1:1 (2009), 15–34.
B. Sroysang, J. E. Wetzel and W. Wichiramala, Covers for angleworms, American Mathematical Monthly115:1 (2008), 61–65.
C. Panraksa, J. E. Wetzel and W. Wichiramala, Covering n-segment unit arcs is not sufficient, Discrete Comput. Geom.37:2 (2007), 297–299.
C. Panraksa, J. E. Wetzel and W. Wichiramala, The broadest three-segment unit arc, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica55:2 (2007), 157–168.
B. Sroysang and W. Wichiramala, The planar soap bubble problem with equal pressure regions, Thai Journal of Mathematics5: special issue (2007), 57–68.
W. Wichiramala, Effcient cut for a subset of prescribed area, Thai Journal of Mathematics5: special issue (2007), 95–100.
A. Kaewkhao and W. Wichiramala, Shortest Enclosures for Four Regions of Given Areas, Thai Journal of Mathematics5: special issue (2007), 127–146.
Banyat Sroysang and W. Wichiramala, Minimal enclosures by rectangles for few regions of given areas, Thai Journal of Mathematics 4: special issue (2006), 51–60.
W. Wichiramala, A smaller cover for convex unit arcs, East-West Journal of Mathematics7:2 (2005), 187–197.
J. M. Maki, J. E. Wetzel and W. Wichiramala, Drapeability, Discrete Comput. Geom. 34:4 (2005), 637–657.
W. Wichiramala, Proof of the planar triple bubble conjecture, Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 567 (2004), 1–49.
F. Morgan and W. Wichiramala, The standard double bubble is the unique stable double bubble in R2, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 130:9 (2002), 2745–2751.
D. Lichtblau and W. Wichiramala, Perplexed Computations, supplement to “Perplexities related to Fourier’s 17 line problem” by Gerald L. Alexanderson and John E. Wetzel, Mathematics Magazine 85:4 (2012), 243–251.