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2003 M.A. (Mathematical Statistics) University of Maryland at College Park, USA 1999 M.A. (Mathematics) University of Louisville, USA 1995 B.Sc. (Mathematics) Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
T. Santiwipanont and S. Sumetkijakan, Copulas of mutually completely dependent random variables, In Progress.
T. Santiwipanont and S. Sumetkijakan, Multifractality of daily rainfall in Thailand, The Journal of Scientific Research of Chulalongkorn University, 33(2)(2008), 63-72.
K. Teerapabolarn and T. Santiwipanont and K. Neamanee, Cutting Operation of DNAs with Various Lengths and Limit Theorem, Stochastic Modelling and Applications, 9(1)(2006), 38-54.
T. Santiwipanont, Two non-uniform bounds in the Poisson approximation of sums of dependent in dicators, Thai Journal of Mathematics, 5(1)(2007) 15-39.