Office: MATH 1108/5 Phone: 02-218-5220 Fax: 02-255-2287 Email:
2005 Ph.D. (Computer Engineering) University of Electrocommunications, Japan 2001 M.Eng. (Computer Engineering) University of Electrocommunications, Japan 1996 B.Sc. (Computer Science) Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Field: Data Mining & Information Retrieval
Data Mining, Information Filtering , Recommender System
K. Capphannarungsri and S. Maneeroj, Combining Multiple Criteria and Multidimension for Movie Recommender System, Proceedings of The International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2009, (2009), to appear.
S. Maneeroj and A. Takasu, Hybrid Recommender System using Latent Features, The 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Mining and Web, (2009), to appear.
S. Maneeroj, High – Quality Neighbor Formation for Music Recommender System, Proceeding of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scienctists 2007, (2007), 805-811.
S. Maneeroj and P. Bhattarakosol, Hybrid System Based on Intelligent Neighbor Formation Algorithm, Proceedings of The 2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, (2006), 765 – 768.
S. Maneeroj, Y. Kato, and K. Hakozaki, An advanced Movie Recommender System Based on High-Quality, Neighbors. The IPSJ Transactions on Database, 46(SIG 5 (TOD 25))(2005), 28-39.
S. Maneeroj, Y. Kato and K. Hakozaki, Study of a Method for Finding More Trustable Neighbors in Recommender Systems, DICOMO2004,7(2004), 137 – 140.
S. Maneeroj, H. Kanai and K. Hakozaki, An Improved Recommendation Method for Better Filtering Imformation out of Database, IPSJ Transactions on Databases, 43(SIG 5(TOD 14))(2002), 66 – 73.
S. Maneeroj, H. Kanai and K. Hakozaki, Combining Dynamic Agents and Collaborative Filtering without Sparsity Rating Problem for Better Recommendation Quality, ERCIM Workshop Proceedings on Personalisation and Recommender Systems in Digital Libraries, 01/W03(2001), 33 – 38.
S. Maneeroj, H. Kanai and K. Hakozaki, An Improved Recommender System Based on Extended Filtering, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2001), (2001).